I have literally struggled to get this blog out at every turn. The same way I struggled to get the podcast up and running. I don’t want to lie to you, I had to take my own advice.
I am literally sitting here listening to this episode right now, putting this stuff into action. It’s pretty good stuff, if I do say so myself.
Either way, this blog will assist you in the journey of She Lifts Podcast. Here I will be posting related content for each episode as well as supplemental information, resources and references. Additionally, and I hate to be this blunt but, anything I forgot to say verbally I will also add here.
I hope you enjoy it. This is an interactive platform so please feel free to follow, like and comment. You’re gonna also wanna subscribe to stay up to date! Please share with you friends, because we all know that we love a good referral!
Most importantly, thanks for putting your ears on it!