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Ep. 6 – The Days of the Week LOVE You!

Writer: Aja MoonAja Moon

Updated: Jun 19, 2019

I have a special place in my heart for those “I hate Mondays” people.  I am that person in the office who’s all “HAPPY MONDAY” and painfully cheerful for no reason on a Monday morning.  It’s quite hilarious on my end, but not so much for the people who are annoyed by this behavior.

Sorry, not sorry.

This week on the She Lifts Podcast we are talking about just that, the week.  I had a very interesting conversation with my son regarding the days of the week where he stated,

“The days of the week LOVE you!”

I was so blown away by the myriad of thoughts that rushed through my mind as we were having this conversation, that I had no other choice but to throw them all together into an episode.

Trust me, I am not trying to turn all of you “Non Monday” people into Monday people and definitely not trying to convert all the “Non Morning” people into Morning people because I haven’t even figured out how to make that work for myself, yet.  This episode just offers a different perspective on the days of the week and how they love you and ways in which you can love them back.

Now back to you “Non Morning” folks out there, there is hope!  I also highlighted a book that I recently read by Hal Elrod entitled “The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life…(Before 8AM).  This book is chock full of amazing tips, tools and secrets to transforming your life before the sun even comes up!  It is a great and easy read, I would even call it a page turner.

All in all, this week thing is something we will be stuck with for the rest of our lives.  We shouldn’t go to bed on Sunday night dreading waking up on a Monday morning, we should be ON FIRE for the next morning to come and embracing every single moment of each and every day.

Thanks for putting your ears on it!

Love and Light, Fam!



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